Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Day in the Life of a Title

Reading more than pages ...

"Im glad I only have to wear them one more year" 

Everything starts with mom trying to put Lily's Braids together. Lily's mother wanted to make Lilys braids perfect because that day was the ceremony of 12 for Jonas, and she wanted to stay neatly tied. The ceremony started, every kid was nervous of what might happen. Jonas was changing smiles wth Harrier, a girl that was also in the ceremony. As the ceremony continued, we get to know that Fiona is going to be a Care Taker of the Old and Asher an Asistant Director of Recreation. When Fionas named was announced Jonas was anxious because them was his turn. Suddenly the chief said: 20! Jonas felt worried and dizzy. 

               A short video ...

Jonas thought that the lady had made a mistake, but mistakes couldnt happen in a ceremony of twelve. The ceremony continued as if nothing had happend. At the end the chief said that he was sorry for what she had cause in the audience. She knew that everyone was concerned and anxious. " I apologize to my community." "We accept your apology" everyone said. 

" But the reciever - in - training cannot be observed, cannot be modified. That is started quite clearly in the rules. He is to be alone, apart, while he is prepered by the curent Reciever for the job wich is the most honored in our community." 

When she finished telling what Jonas was, she told the community that being a reciever was the best job you could get because it was the one with more honor. She let the community know that for being in that place you need to count with many cualities, that werent easy to achieve.I think that Jonas has assigned this job because the Committee of Elders werent shure about what assignment should they give to Jonas. I also think that this job needs such a hard training because of its importance. 

 With this picture you might get clear of what exactly makes people act the way they do ...


Final thoughts...
  • I want to keep reading because I could like to know more about the job given to Jonas and how his parents are going to react toward it. I will also know what is going to happen to the family of jonas since its training cannot be observed. Finally I think this book is full for surprises so be ready for the next one !


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