A Society with No Space for Mistakes

“There was only one other child’s bicycle there, that of a female Eleven named Fiona. Jonas liked Fiona. She was a good student, quiet and polite, but she had a sense of fun as well, and it didn’t surprise him that she was working with Asher today. He parked his bicycle neatly in the port beside theirs and entered to the building.” ( Lowry 28 )
Mysteriously, this quote made me think and analyze a lot. First, it took me to an INFERENCE. I inferred because of this part: “There was only one other child’s bicycle there, that of a female Eleven named Fiona. Jonas liked Fiona. What I took into this part of the quote, was that maybe Jonas has a crush on Fiona. The second thing I inferred was that Fiona has a good and responsible reputation. I inferred that because of this: She was a good student, quiet and polite, but she had a sense of fun as well, and it didn’t surprise him that she was working with Asher today. When I finished inferring, I started QUESTIONING myself.
Are they good friends?
Do Fiona has a crush in Jonas too?
Many things came to my mind, so I just start writing QUESTIONS about what I wanted to get
clarified. When I stopped questioning the book, I start PREDICTING. With all the questions I wrote, it took me to
having many visions about what might happen next, so I just PREDICTED.
As you might see, I really enjoy and use this three: INFERENCE, QUESTIONING and PREDICTING.Finally, I think that this book is going to be full of surprises and interesting things, that’s why we all want to KEEP READING!!

interesting? …
Is Jonas trying to pop out that differences are always noticed by people in his community ?¿ ...
ReplyDeleteI liked very much your blog. It shows in depth your undersatnding of the book and how Jonas society is really a terrible world. It shows the colors of the society, for there is no individuality. Your pictures were amazing and supported your text. However some of your text had grammar, spelling and capitalization errors, but that are small errors that can be fixed easily.
Thank you very much Joaquin, I appreciate youre comment and take a look at the things you mentioned.