Monday, December 15, 2014

The Best Thing about Memories, is Making them !

People CHANGE ...Memories don`t

"Ash!" he called, spotting his friend near the rows of bicycles. "Ride back with me?" 
"Sure." Asher smiled, his usual smile, friendly and familiar. But Jonas felt a moment of hesitation from his friend, an uncertainity.  

As mentioned before, Jonas lives in a society thats under CONTROL. Further into the book we get to now that Jonas is the new reciever of memories. What most captured my attention is how Jonas reacts towards a new rule he must follow or that he has acces to. Even dough he cant take advantage of it. I see it interesting because theres things that at first doesnt seem interesting but when Jonas goes deeper into the details and explaining what they realy mean,they are really worth some attention and furthermore, a bit of thinking beyond.

Everything changes in some way we cant see... 

Going back to what is hapening, the Giver is introduced to Jonas by a woman who unlocked the doors that gave path to were the old reciever of memories was. This surprised Jonas because no door in the commuinity was allowed to be locked. The second thing that impacted Jonas was the hundreds, thousands of books that there were in ther room.After a long discussion between The Giver and Jonas , The Giver has already given Jonas the memories of snow and sunburn. Sunburn was very painfull
for Jonas, he couldnt get the word out of it 
and he g ts fustraded. 

Once again, there was just a moment in wich things werent quite the same, werent quite as they had always been through the long friendship. Perhaps he had imagined it. Things coldnt change, with Asher. 

When I started reading this quote, I stared thinking about how friendship might change the course of things. How do things we do reflect the affectness and love we have towards our friends, and it is the same what they feel for us, than what we feel for them? What mostly made me think deeeper into this quopte, is that I pictured myself in Jonas situation. He is in a new world, and he has so many new things to get used to, and the only thing he has, from scince he has memories, is Asher. He expects nothing to change, but now he knows everything is different, and that it is not going to be us it was before. 

You are now probably thinking, why is rule number eight there again. I put it there because I considere it of so much importance through out the entire book. Theres so much perspectives from what we can see this phrase. Evendough theres only three words in it, there are like a thosands thoughts that right know go to my head, only by reading those. In this phrase I want to go back to todays class discussion becuase; remembrer the question, what is the difference between honor and power? I think that in this quote, we have a great example for both. From this rule, Jonas could take advantage in so many ways that cold take him to have so much power. But he could also dont do a big deal and have great honor for what he controled and that its going to bennefit not only him, also others, his community. 

So a question for you...

 Which one is more impoirtant, HONOR or  



Thursday, November 27, 2014

Jonas' Society

A Society with No Space for Mistakes

     Jonas society has the idea of forming people who are perfect. Building a society with no space for mistakes. Kids are being pressured to follow certain rules which according to their society makes them better persons and prepares them better for facing future. In Jonas society a big part of who you are, depends on the job you have. Since kids don't choose their job, they are obligated to do what the committee of elders elects for them. What’s really going on in Jonas dystopia is that he starts getting nervous about the ceremony of 12. Since he is 11, the same it’s about to come. He is asking his father a bunch of things he is worried about so her parents are trying to make the adaptation easier for him. Jonas might seem more nervous than the other kids because all the labor hours he has his spending in various places. Such as The House of the Old, where he encounters Fiona, she’s the girl Jonas might have a crush in. In The House of the Old he also meets Larissa which is an old lady that receives help from Jonas in the tub. Finally, he doesn’t know what is the committee of elders going to do with their election for his job.

Try to identify yourself with this quote...     
“There was only one other child’s bicycle there, that of a female Eleven named Fiona. Jonas liked Fiona. She was a good student, quiet and polite, but she had a sense of fun as well, and it didn’t surprise him that she was working with Asher today. He parked his bicycle neatly in the port beside theirs and entered to the building.” ( Lowry 28 )
Mysteriously, this quote made me think and analyze a lot. First, it took me to an INFERENCE. I inferred because of this part: “There was only one other child’s bicycle there, that of a female Eleven named Fiona. Jonas liked Fiona. What I took into this part of the quote, was that maybe Jonas has a crush on Fiona. The second thing I inferred was that Fiona has a good and responsible reputation. I inferred that because of this: She was a good student, quiet and polite, but she had a sense of fun as well, and it didn’t surprise him that she was working with Asher today. When I finished inferring, I started QUESTIONING myself.
1.      When did Jonas meet Fiona?
2.      Are they good friends?
3.      Do Fiona has a crush in Jonas too?
Many things came to my mind, so I just start writing QUESTIONS about what I wanted to get clarified. When I stopped questioning the book, I start PREDICTING. With all the questions I wrote, it took me to having many visions about what might happen next, so I just PREDICTED. As you might see, I really enjoy and use this three: INFERENCE, QUESTIONING and PREDICTING.

Finally, I think that this book is going to be full of surprises and interesting things, that’s why we all want to KEEP READING!! 
Why might an apple be so 

Is Jonas trying to pop out that differences are always noticed by people in his community ?¿ ...

Interview the Book

Interview the Book

 I think this book its going to be about how Jonas gets to know the hole truth about his life that has been hidden for 12 years. I thing one of the morals of this story is going to be how normal people will react towards the acceptance of the society and how we thing and act reflecting our thoughts. 

 I think that what Lowry is trying to say is that the future of the
people that are going to habituate the world centenaries after us , depends on the younger kids we have today. Since when they are big enough they are going to make a better society and by that we would give the future to their hands. Its also referring that we need to trust in what small changes can do.

 I predict that Jonas is going to have a difficult time finding his place in society. Also assimilating all the truth that has been hiden for 2 years. I think theres going to be not so much people trying to help him, so thats why its going to be even harder the process of adaptation.